Friday 24 September 2010

Learning in class

Over the last few lesson in media. We have been looking at Target audience, and how the media use people to attract more customer into buying their products.  We have also been looking at how the media uses different types of techniques on making their customer read their magazine.

Specifically I have been looking at NME magazine and i have analyse every aspect of it, here is a picture of their masthead.
It is clear from the mast head that it is aimed at a older target audience. I would think that this is aimed from the age of 17-22. I can tell that this isnt aimed at small children because the colors that is being used are not very colurful and attractive, this would make it boring for young children because they would think its not fun. But on the other hand young adults would think this is a normal.

The NME magazine is mostly about music, it has articles and pictures of bands and other singers throughout the magazine.  The magazine is very stylish and well produced it uses very stereotypical male colors, which tells us that this magazine is mostly aimed at men rather then women. This also infers that when NME are producing the magazine they would make it in a way that the male audience. (Demographics)  to understand how to attract a certain type of person so that they can make the most money.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

All about the Bizzle

My name is Orgest Rama, I am currently studying Business Applied and Media studies A level. I am Interested in a range of different music, to which I will be creating a music magazine on music as part of my media coursework. The reason i have decided to create a blog because i need to provide an electronic evaluation of my coursework.