Thursday 28 October 2010

I firstly took a couple pictures of college students, which I would like to use in my magazine, these images had to be mid-shots. I uploaded these from a digital camera onto the computer, into Iphoto, I then used photo shop to edit these pictures to make the picture on my front cover, I set these picture as the background so I could use fonts, backgrounds, text and other features required in a magazine.

I titled my magazine "ABS Sports" as I thought it relates well with the main images I have got which is a teach bouncing a football in a PE lesson. I have chosen this specific Picture and title because I think one of the most critical subjects in a secondary school or college should be PE this is because It helps keep fitness and healthiness.

Overall I think my magazine looks unprofessional, however considering this was my first time producing a magazine I believe the preliminary task helped me to gain a lot of skills and helped me to learn more about Photo shop. It also enabled me to realise I need to add a lot more professional features to my final magazine like the barcode. The barcode makes the magazine look more professional and realistic because it shows that it has been bought from a shop.

The task helped me to get better understanding of the media industry and how a lot of time and effort needs to go into making the magazine to perfection. It also prepared me for the real deal because I now know what kind of features, text pictures, use of colour etc, I need to include in my coursework to make it seem more realistic and more professional looking.

The sell lines within the pliminary task were good for the magazine, but not a school magazine as the sell lines need to be better the lines I have used are "New head of sports development" and "New head of sports and development interview exclusive" these lines are not very good and effective if you want to attract the readers attention, if I wanted more people to look at the magazine I will need to add better text to my fron cover page so that it stands out and grabs the readers attention.

Most magazines use the colour scheme of black&white as it gives the magazine a mature and professional look, so this was good to have within my preliminary magazine and something I will consider to use in my final magazine. But I did not use black and white colours because I thought that young adults prefers to have a more colourful magazine. If you give a black and white magazine to a young adult they might not like the idea and might find it boring but it makes it seem more professional and better looking.

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