Tuesday 7 December 2010

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What's the most important thing to you when writing music?
I think that as long as the lyrics mean something to us, then everyone else will appreciate it.  Our lyrics are all about our past and how the streets are today. We try and tell our audience how it feels not to have money and try and survive, and what extreme measure you have to go to.
What are your plans for the future? 
I'm hoping that out music gets heard by famous rappers and record labels, so that we can get signed and make more tracks for the rest of the world to here our story’s. 
What does it feel like being recognised on the street? 
I’m very alert, this is because I’m not used to people looking at me when were walking around my area. We always think that somebody is about to attack us and we have a fear inside                                                          me that somebody hates me. 
Do you think that you will venture into any other genres of music? 
Ermm... we dunno were not sure really, we mostly like rap and grime and some of R&B and pop, these are the only other genres that we will end up making tracks but for anything else I’m confidently sure that we will not. 
Who do you wanna work with in the future?
Wow my list is long we would love to work with a lot of artist like professor green, tinie tempah, wretch 32, giggs k koke and other grim artists that have made a lot of tracks in the last 2 to 3 years, they have made an impact on us to be rapping and other people nation wide. 
Can we expect any collaborationist in the future?
yh i actually have a few tracks with some new up and coming artist we don't really wanna tell but one of them is sam dinner a new producer. 
What advice would you give to someone considering becoming a musician?
Erm, we would just say to them be yourself really. there's no point trying to be someone else that's not going to get you any where.
Is there anyone you think that we should look out for in the future?
Yh defiantly there is an artist called Krept, just pushed a mixtape out, also     K Koke is saying a lot but you probably know that lol, 
Where do you get the inspiration to for writing music?
Life really, we believe that the streets in one of the most dangerous places around, if you are not careful then it could eat you alive. 
How do you separate yourself from other artist? 
we don't compare myself to other artists therefore we don't fee like we need to separate myself. Were just two guys who like rapping and want other people to listen to our story’s.
How did you get started writing music? 
We  started writing from when we was about 12 in secondary school just as a hobby, all of the boys in the school used to go to the back of the playground form a circle and play beats, then everybody would join in and start spitting as we like to call it, this inspired us a lot and all of the history that we have in our passed from being in gangs and fights and other stuff really gave us a good idea to start rapping. 
Do you think it is important to stay down to earth when your becoming a new artist?
yeah defiantly lol we dont feel like we’ve got big headed, we’ve changed were not gonna lie but you have to change to some extent. You have to become more wise and more safe but being big headed is a completely different thing. We think that we should appriciate what has happened to us and how our lives used to be this is why we think you should never become big headed . 
How is it being and artist and living in a main city like London?
It's great, really because I like London a lot we think that it’s a multi cultural place with different people and different back grounds, this lets everybody express them seleves just in the way we do with our music. 
What's the weirdest thing that's happen to you so far?
ermm one day after show us and the studio boys, went to an after party and trust me you don’t wanna know the rest that all you’ll get from me safeeeeee

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